New Website Launched – Island Towers Resort, Fort Myers Beach, Florida


Today, we launched a new website for Island Towers Resort, a condominium and vacation rentals property on Fort Myers Beach, Florida.

Together with the client, the goal was to create a fun, inviting website that features the relaxed nature of vacationing and living on Fort Myers Beach. We added a touch-enabled slideshow that features the “3 rules of vacation” in a fun, interactive way. Visitors to the website can get an up close view of the condos’ floor plan, with an interactive floor plan feature and stunning photography. Overall, we provided them with a beautiful website design and clean, optimized code.

We also optimized the website for visitors using small mobile device screens, using responsive web design features like media queries, image optimization and more. This gives mobile visitors a user-friendly interface to use without having to pinch and zoom to read content and view images.

We integrated WordPress as the CMS so that the client can manage everything from text and pictures, to the blog posts and online reservations. They were an awesome client to work with and we can’t wait to work with them again soon.

Visit the new Island Towers Resort website here.

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