David Airey: How He Did It – Die Cut Card Mockup


On February 26th, David of DavidAirey.com posted about his logo design project for a client and he also showed a mockup of the business card with a die cut. Due to the fact that this card wasn’t in print yet, David wanted to show the client what the die cut effect would look like.

So, as good designers do, he created a nice visual of what the card would look like if the client decided to reach a little deeper into her pocket ($$$) for a die cut business card.

A few people commented on his post asking how he created the “fake business card” that looked so real with the die cut and everything. Jacob Cass was one of them

So, here’s a quick, and very rough tutorial on how to do this for yourself. Please remember this is my first video tutorial production, and it goes pretty quickly at the start! I didn’t get too detailed in the Photoshop tools, how they are used etc, so beginners may get a little lost!


If you do this, I would spend a little more time on it making it look better than what I did, but you get the idea hopefully!

Looking at David’s a little closer, it looks as though he may have created a “shadow” layer that allowed him to give only the corners a darker shadow so it gives the effect of being raised from the surface at the corners. This also adds to the “real” feel of a mockup like this.

If you have any questions on how this is done, please feel free to ask away in the comments below!

Future video tutorials will be posted right here so please subscribe to my blog and stay in touch! Thanks!

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