Logo Design – Triscle Logo


We are going back to the early days of my personal design career with this post…the sketches I have from when I created the Triscle logo are dated 12/5/99, so it has been some time since this logo came about!

So…while I was in college, in University College Dublin (UCD) , in Dublin Ireland, I met a few other college students that were starting a new company, showed them my portfolio (which wasn’t too full at this early stage!) and commissioned me to create their logo.

They were also still coming up with the company name, and the second I heard the name “Triscle” was knocking around, I got excited. This was the perfect name to provide cultural inspiration for such a project.

“Triscle” is a Celtic symbol that the early settlers in Ireland carved into important stones and monuments. To the Celtic peoples, the spiral stood as a symbol of spiritual growth and eternal life. Also, the number three was very important to them. Anything that was in triplicate was considered to be the equivalent to what could be called divine.

Spiritual Growth and Eternal Life! What better for logo design inspiration!

So, I sketched many different triscle designs, researching the various pieces of Celtic art that are documented, and the logo began to take shape.

Ok, so I had the format chosen that I liked the best, and the clients approved.

Now, for the bigger challenge: Make the logo striking and powerful so that it grabs the attention of the company’s target market (18-25 years olds).

The Solution: The logo needed to be colorful, exciting and vibrant to stand out in the overcrowded market of advertising to generation y. After playing around with different designs, we created a design that has the impact we were looking for, and also the vibrancy and color.

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