Website Launch | Ocean Blue Education


Here at Brian Joseph Studios, we have had an extremely busy summer. We launched several new websites, a few logos, were guest speakers at a Chamber of Commerce event, and we added a new programmer and a new graphic artist to our team.

So, here is a bit of info on one our recent website launches. The site is Ocean Blue Education and they provide excellent marine science adventures to various destinations around the world. Their programs are educational yet extremely fun for the students, and all participants have the ability to acquire their scuba diving certification while on board with Ocean Blue Education.

The new website contains a few interesting features. They are:

Latest News and Photos management tool. (can bee seen on their “blog”
page. Using this tool, they can upload photos and information while out
on the water, making it possible for the students’ parents to view some
images of the trip.)

– Full CSS-based design and code (this makes the website programming extremely easy to manage and maintain. It also gives the website a high level of optimization so that is performs better on search engines like Google, Yahoo, and MSN. (oh yeah, and who could forget!

So far, the new Ocean Blue Education website has proved to be a very useful tool for the company, and for their sailing/marine science programs. The blog/latest news tool was utilized well during their recent summer trip to the Bahamas, and many students and parents communicated on the site. Great to see a client using tools like this to their full potential!

Do you like this website and would like something similar for your own company, products or services? Feel free to drop us a note here and we can get rolling on your project!

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