WGCU Radio Guest Appearance, Social Media Discussion & Twestival


Earlier today, I appeared on WGCU radio, a local radio station here in Southwest Florida, on the Gulf Coast Live show. Michele, organizer of Twestival SWFL asked me to join her as a guest on the show to help to promote the local Twestival event starting September 10th 2009, and to discuss the power of social media, specifically for the local Southwest Florida area.

It was a fun experience and I think Michele and I had a pretty good discussion on the topic of social media..what it is..why businesses need to understand it etc..

You can listen to a recording of our segment of the show below. If you are reading this in your email or rss browser, you may need to visit the actual post on BrianYerkes.com by clicking this link.


For those in or near Southwest Florida, please consider attending some of the Twestival SWFL events starting on September 10th. For a full list of the events and everything that is going on, please click here. Oh, and one thing some of you may be interested in is the fact that Chris Brogan (yep, you read that correctly!) will be attending some of our events this weekend, and he will also be the main speaker on Saturday.

While we’re talking about social media, why not follow me on Twitter (@BrianYerkes), and if you’re in or near Southwest Florida, follow @TwestivalSWFL

I will probably be able to get Chris to sign a copy of his book “Trust Agents” that I might just give away as a prize on BrianYerkes.com. Would any of you be interested in that?

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