The Design Community’s First Tweets


I recently found a website that allows you to see the first tweet sent out by typing in the person’s user name. Now that most of us have been using Twitter for at least a year, it seemed like a good time to take a look back at some of your first tweets!

Unfortunately, it doesn’t allow you to see the first tweet if that person has over 3,500 updates, so I apologize to the likes of Calvin (@mayhemstudios) and others that I could not list here. I wonder if there are better Twitter tools for finding people’s first tweets? Let me know in the comments.

@brianyerkes: “Working on a post for

@DavidAirey: “Just starting out with Twitter” (wow, insightful David. Nice one 😛 )

@randaclay: “I’m trying to write an article comparing Twitter, Pownce, Jaiku and Tumblr. It’s taking me too long…” (I accuse Randa of deleting her first ever tweet! Randa, please comment 😛 )

@idesignstudios: “The new web site is now officially LIVE! I would love to get your feedback!”

@blogdesigner: “I believe it’s important for your twitter account design to match your website design. Anyone else agree? Branding … :)”

@catascraft: “I’m making a little book with a scrapbook papers. hello from Tuscany”

@designsheffield: “giving twitter the Design Sheffield treatment.”

@aaroni268: “working on an Admin User Interface”

@ffffffive: “Designing in school”

@coryobrien: “Learning Twitter.”

@davidwalshblog: “Working on the new design. Will incorporate Twitter. Sweet!”

@StaciEmery: “HELLO ALL! THANKS FOR LETTING ME FOLLOW YOU :)” (Staci decided to shout her first tweet!)

@adamcoomes: “Everyone should speak English. It’s the best language.”

@chrisspooner: “is getting used to this Twitter malarky!”

@bluewavemedia: “Deloping Marketing Campaigns” (I wish I knew how to “Delope” marketing campaigns! )

@downersteve: “Okay, I’m here! Everybody can just CALM DOWN now.” (hahaha,that’s great Steve!)

@chriscoyier: “Snowed in. Video games.”

and my favorite first tweet is from @seanHodge:

“I just got set up on twitter. This will be great.”

Yes it will Sean!

What was your first tweet? Post it in the comments below and let’s turn this into a huge list!

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